Maths KS3 – 4.04.0 Scatter graphs and correlation
£3.50Scatter graphs and correlation – Maths KS3 Power Point presentation, 7 slides, Explaining with examples what correlation is, and how to describe the correlation between the […]
Maths KS3 – 4.04.1 Creating scatter graphs
£3.50Creating scatter graphs – Maths KS3 Power Point presentation, 18 slides, Explaining with examples how to create a scatter diagram from a table, and how to […]
Maths KS3 – 4.05.1 Using sample space diagrams
£3.50Using sample space diagrams to calculate probabilities – Maths KS3 Power Point presentation, 12 slides, Explaining with examples how to use different types of sample space […]
Maths KS3 – 4.05.2 Mutually exclusive and exhaustive events
£3.50Mutually exclusive and exhaustive events – Maths KS3 PowerPoint presentation, 7 slides explaining what mutually exclusive events are, also explains what exhaustive events are, based on […]